; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;    This is an example of an import file to be converted into an HML file
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Comments: lines beginning with a semicolon are ignored
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -- Defaults --
; Following parameters are optional they define some settings for test items
; that are specified below. By default the program uses empty values for
; Schedule, Comment fields and for Alert Profile names.
; The default interval is 300 sec (5 min)

DefaultSchedule =
DefaultAlertProfile =
DefaultInterval = 300
DefaultComment =

DefaultFolder =
; DefaultFolder parameter specifies the default destination folder to which
; tests will be added. If this parameter is not used or left blank
; ("DefaultFolder = ") then tests will be added to the current folder.
; e.g. DefaultFolder = Root\

; You may skip this section completely or you may use any of these parameters
; many times anywhere in the file. The program changes default values when it
; finds parameters with new values.

; -- Special commands (added in version 4.40) --

ImportMode = Add
; this parameter may be set to one of the following values:
; - ImportMode = Add - in this mode LanAtlas adds new tests to the
; list; prompts for confirmation when the test with specified name already
; exists within the list (in any folder). This mode is used by default as it
; conforms with the behavior of previous versions of LanAtlas (version
; 4.30 or earlier);
; - ImportMode = Modify - in this mode application adds new test if
; the test with specified name doesn't exist in the folder. Otherwise,
; LanAtlas replaces the test settings by those provided in the imported
; file. Statistical information (dead ratio, alive ratio, etc) is kept intact;
; - ImportMode = Replace - adds new test if the test with provided name
; doesn't exist in the specified folder. Otherwise, LanAtlas replaces
; the test settings with the settings that are specified in the imported
; file and resets all statistical information (similar to the effect of
; complete removing of an old test and then creating the new one instead.

CreateFolder = Root\USA Branch\Support\part2\
; creates new folder(s). The value of this parameter should specify the full
; path to the folder that you want to create.
; E.g. CreateFolder = Root\USA Branch\Support\part2\ will successively create
; folders USA Branch (in the Root folder), Support (in USA Branch subfolder)
; and part2 (in Support subfolder). Of course if some (or all) of specified
; folders already exist, LanAtlas will not create second copy of them.

; --- sample #1 ------------------------------------------------------
; This sample defines a TCP test

; -- Common required parameters --
; The following 2 parameters must be specified for each task!
; 'Method' must be the 1st parameter in a test definition !!

Method = TCP
Title = www.yahoo.com #1

; Parameter 'Method' can take one of the following values:
; Ping
; DriveSpace
; FileSize
; FileExists
; FileContents
; Process
; Service
; NTLog
; Externalprg
; Interbase
; Oracle
; Postgre
; Sybase
; POP3
; Ldap
; Trace
; CountFiles
; PerfCounter
; Script
; Radius
; TextLog
; ShellScript
; TempMonitor
; TrafficMonitor
; SNMPTrap
; MailRelay

; -- Common optional parameters --
; Following parameters apply to any test methods. If an optional parameter
; is omitted, its default value will be used

DestFolder= Root\USA Branch\Office\
; defines the folder to which the test will be added. If this parameter is
; left blank then the test will be added to the current folder.
; If this parameter is not used then the test will be added to the folder
; that is specified by the "DefaultFolder" parameter or to the current folder
; if the "DefaultFolder" parameter is not used either.

LinkedTo = Root\
LinkedTo = Root\USA Branch\Support\
; LinkedTo parameter(s) specifies target folders for additional links to the
; test item. You may use up to 10 links for each test item.
; Note: option was implementd in LanAtlas version 6.40

RMAgent  = Linux agent
; Test can be performed by LanAtlas itself (by default) or by Remote
; Monitoring Agent. This parameter specifies the agent that will be used
; for test execution

Comment  = 1st test, just for example^MSecond comment line^M3rd comment line
RelatedURL = http://www.yahoo.com/reports
Schedule = 7 Days, 24 Hours
Interval = 120
Alerts   = Message, Sound

ReverseAlert = Yes
UnknownIsBad = No
UseCommonLog = Yes
PrivateLog   =

PrivlogMode  = full
CommLogMode  = default
; These parameters define private log mode and common log mode correspondingly.
; Following values are supported: default, brief, full, reply

DependsOn    = list
MasterTest-Alive           = ping yahoo
;MasterTest-AliveOrUnknown = ping yahoo
;MasterTest-DeadOrUnknown  = ping yahoo
;MasterTest-Dead           = ping yahoo
SyncCounters = Yes
SyncAlerts   = No

; -- Specific parameters required for TCP test --

Host = www.yahoo.com
Port = 80

; --- sample #2 ----TCP-----------------------------------------------

Method = TCP
Title  = altavista
Host   = www.altavista.com
Port   = 80
RelatedURL = http://www.altavista.com

; --- sample #3 ----Ping----------------------------------------------

Method  = Ping
Title   = ping yahoo
Host    = www.yahoo.com
Timeout = 3000
Retries = 4
DisplayMode  = Received
MaxLostRatio = 90

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------

; Set new default values for the following set of tests

DefaultSchedule = Monday - Friday, 24 Hours
DefaultInterval = 600

; --- sample #4 ----URL-----------------------------------------------

Method = URL
Title  = Main Yahoo's page
URL    = http://www.yahoo.com/index.html
; A protocol must be specified as part of the URL (http, https, ftp, or gopher).

; Optional parameters:
Timeout = 5000
is302Ok = No
; is302Ok: 1 or 'yes' - means yes, 0 or 'no' - means no

CheckContents  = Expression
Expression     = 'Ok' or 'Good'
CaseSensitive  = 1
WholeWordsOnly = 1
; CheckContents: Expression, Contain, NotContain

; --- sample #5 ----UNC-----------------------------------------------

Method = UNC
Title  = \\server1\vol1
UNC    = \\server1\vol1
MinFreeSpace = 2G
Test   = TotalFreeSpace
; Test: Availability, TotalFreeSpace, FreeSpaceForCaller
; Optional parameters
UserName = test
Password = test

Method = UNC
Title  = \\server1\vol1
UNC    = \\server1\vol1
Test   = FreeSpaceForCaller
MinFreeSpace = 12%
; free space, file size formats: 1234432, 123K, 23M, 2G, 10%

; --- sample #6 ----DriveFreeSpace------------------------------------

Method = DriveSpace
Title  = drive C:\
Drive  = C
MinFreeSpace = 512M
; free space, file size formats: 1234432, 123K, 23M, 2G

; --- sample #7 ----Folder/File Size----------------------------------

Method  = FileSize
Title   = size of Program Files\
File    = c:\Program Files\
MaxSize = 128M
Subfolders = 1
; subfolders: 1 or yes - mean yes, 0 or no - mean no

; MaxSize can be in bytes when less than 64K
Method  = FileSize
Title   = size of Program Files\
File    = c:\Program Files\
MaxSize = 32555
Subfolders = 1

; --- sample #8 ----File/Folder Exists--------------------------------

Method = FileExists
Title  = file flag1
File   = g:\flag1.
OkIfExists = 1

; --- sample #9 ----FileCRC-------------------------------------------

Method = FileCRC
Title  = CRC command.com
File   = c:\command.com

; --- sample #10 ----Process------------------------------------------

Method   = Process
Title    = FAR
Process  = FAR
MinCount = 1
MaxCount = 5
; Use either MinCount or MaxCount parameter, or both.
; Optional parameters:
Computer =
UserName =
Password =

; --- sample #11 -----Service-----------------------------------------    

Method   = Service
Title    = EventSystem
Service  = EventSystem
; optional parameters:
Computer =
UserName =                                                                 
Password =

; --- sample #12 ----NTEventLog---------------------------------------                         

Method    = NTLog
Title     = Disk Quota
Computer    = 
Log       = Application
Source    = DiskQuota
CheckComp = Any
CheckType = AnyFromList
CheckID   = AnyFromList
CheckDescr= Any
CompList  = 
TypeList  = Warning
IDList    = ^M1001^M
DescrList = 
ReportMode= LastEvent
Username  = administrator
Password  = 

Method    = NTLog
Title     = Failure Audit
Computer  = 
Log       = Security
Source    = 
CheckComp = Any
CheckType = AnyFromList
CheckID   = AnyFromList
CheckDescr= Any
CompList  = 
TypeList  = Failure audit
IDList    = ^M1001^M1002^M
DescrList = 
ReportMode= LastEvent

; --- sample #13 ----CPUUsage-----------------------------------------

Method = CPU
Title = CPU on Server1
MaxCPUUsage = 50
; optional parameters
Computer = \\Server1
; OS: NT, Netware
; do not specify Computer and OS parameters for local machine                
UserName =                                                                                       
Password =                                                                                       

; --- sample #14 ----SNMP---------------------------------------------

Method    = SNMP
Title     = TCP input packets
Agent     =
Community = public
Timeout   = 2000
Retries   = 2
OID       =
Value     = 32175
Condition = LessThan
; Possible alert conditions: LessThan, MoreThan, EqualTo, DifferentFrom, Contains, NotContain

; For local computers use an empty string as the Agent's value
Method    = SNMP
Title     = TCP input packets
Agent     =
Community = public
Timeout   = 1500
Retries   = 1
OID       =
Value     = 62175
Condition = MoreThan

; --- sample #15 ----External-----------------------------------------

Method      = ExternalPrg
Title       = External 1
CommandLine = c:\errorlev.exe
ErrorLevel  = 2
Condition   = EqualTo
; Possible alert conditions: LessThan, MoreThan, EqualTo, DifferentFrom
; Optional parameter
KillAfter   = 60
; another optional parameter, implemented in version 3.20
WindowMode  = Hide
; WindowMode: ShowNormal, Hide, Maximized, Minimized, MinNoactive, NoActive

; --- sample #16 ----Interbase----------------------------------------

Method   = Interbase
Title    = Interbase
Server   =
Protocol = TCP
Database = test1
User     = guest
Password =
; Protocol: TCP, SPX, NetBEUI

; --- sample #17 ----MSSQL--------------------------------------------

Method   = MSSQL                                                                     
Title    = MS SQL                                                                    
Server   =                                                                 
Database = test2                                                                     
User     = guest                                                                     
Password =                                                                           

; --- sample #18 ----MySQL--------------------------------------------              

Method   = MySQL                                                                     
Title    = My SQL                                                                    
Server   =                                                                 
Database = test3                                                                     
Port     = 3306                                                                      
User     = guest                                                                     
Password =

; --- sample #19 ----Oracle-------------------------------------------              

Method   = Oracle                                                                    
Title    = Oracle                                                                    
Server   = test4                                                                     
User     = guest                                                                     
Password =                                                                           

; --- sample #20 ----PostgreSQL---------------------------------------              

Method   = Postgre                                                                   
Title    = Postgre SQL                                                               
Server   =                                                                 
Database = test5                                                                     
Port     = 5432                                                                      
User     = guest                                                                     
Password =                                                                           

; --- sample #21 ----SybaseSQL----------------------------------------              

Method   = Sybase                                                                    
Title    = Sybase SQL                                                                
Server   =                                                                 
Database = test6                                                                     
User     = guest                                                                     
Password =

; --- sample #22 ----ODBC---------------------------------------------

Method    = ODBC
Title     = dBASE test
Datasource= dBASE Files
Timeout   = 10
; Optional parameter
Login     =
Password  =
SQLQuery  = select * from test1

; --- sample #23 ----SMTP---------------------------------------------

Method   = SMTP
Title    = SMTP: yahoo
Server   = smtp.mail.yahoo.com
Port     = 25
Timeout  = 20
VRFY     = no
Username =

; --- sample #24 ----POP3---------------------------------------------

Method   = POP3
Title    = POP3: yahoo
Server   = pop.mail.yahoo.com
Port     = 110
Timeout  = 20
Username = xxxxxxxxxx
Password = xxxxxxxxxx
; Optional parameter
SizeLimit= 15M
MsgsLimit= 100

; --- sample #25 ----IMAP---------------------------------------------

Method    = IMAP
Title     = IMAP: yahoo
Server    = pop.mail.yahoo.com
Port      = 143
Timeout   = 20
Username  = xxxxxxxx
Password  = xxxxxxxx
; Optional parameter
Mailbox   = Inbox
RecentOnly= no
SizeLimit = 15M
MsgsLimit = 100

; --- sample #26 ----DNS----------------------------------------------

Method     = DNS
Title      = DNS: microsoft
Server     =
Protocol   = UDP
Port       = 53
Timeout    = 15
Hostname   = www.microsoft.com
; Optional parameter

; --- sample #27 ----LDAP---------------------------------------------

Method       = LDAP
Title        = LDAP: bund.de
Server       = x500.bund.de
Port         = 389
Timeout      = 20
; Optional parameter
Password     =
Search       = no
BaseObject   =
SearchFilter =

; --- sample #28 ----Trace--------------------------------------------

Method       = Trace
Title        = Trace www.yahoo.com
Host         = www.yahoo.com
Timeout      = 5000
PacketSize   = 64
Retries      = 2
CheckMode    = TrafficThru
CheckValue   =
DisplayMode  = TotalTime
; CheckMode: RouteChanged, HopsDifferent, HopsMoreThan, HopsLessThan, MaxReply, TrafficThru, TrafficBypass
; DisplayMode: TotalTime, AverageTime, MaxTime, Hops, NonResponding, RouteBrief RouteFull

; --- sample #29 ----CountFiles---------------------------------------

Method       = CountFiles
Title        = CountFiles (Program Files)
Folder       = C:\Program Files\
Mask         = *.*
Subfolders   = 1
UseMacros    = 0
CountMode    = OlderThan
; CountMode: AllFiles, OlderThan, NewerThan, BiggerThan, SmallerThan
CountValue   = 60
FilesLimit   = 100